Pharmacie La Domitienne

Anyone looking for quality and expertise in pharmacy outfitting services can rely on Gibam’s exceptional know-how. No one knows this better than Alphase Agencement, which has relied on our product ranges for years to outfit shops throughout France. In this design, the skillful use of original bright-red free-standing display systems creates a well-balanced space and […]
Farmacia Isola Sacra

The dominance of light colours creates a striking contrast with the dark wall panels and free-standing display units. The Medical Products area stands out with its pristine, bright white colour, while the Herbal Products area exudes a warm and consistent ambiance with its rich wooden tones. Light wooden floors and bright ceilings contribute to an […]
Farmacia Carusino

Carusino Pharmacy in Syracuse is the result of a project designed to best meet the needs of the childcare world. Based on the experience of Caruso Pharmacy, Carusino is a shop specially designed for a very discerning clientèle. Elegant and minimal furniture consisting of capacious and functional walls and free-standing displays contribute to an optimal […]
Amouage Muscat City Center Mall

Gibam is the perfect partner when it comes to outfitting designer shops. Amouage is the sum of beauty and style. The general layout and furnishings provided by Gibam contribute to a feeling of exclusivity and refinement, well-being, and opulence. Mirrors, glass, gold-plated steel, and customised décor come together to create a perfect setting to display […]
Estasi Profumeria

A sensory journey through a sophisticated space designed and installed by Gibam at the new Estasi Profumerie shop, which involved the clever use of the Krios-M18.02 and Thinline-M50 perimeter displays. The display is emphasised by a glossy black lacquered finish. Designer chandeliers are a practical way of shining a light on cosmetics and their infinite […]
Estasi Profumeria Fano Center

Estasi Profumerie has more than 50 sales locations in Italy, and a state-of-the-art eCommerce platform. The concept was inspired by the contrast between matt white and black glossy lacquered melamine. The design of this perfume shop is complemented by the Kompo-F06 system, which enhances the elegance of perfumes with lightweight but highly functional display tables. […]
Magrabi Kuwait Avenue Mall

Magrabi Optical is the leading optician’s chain in the Middle East, with over 140 shops. A large selection of high-quality materials such as grained and veneered wood on drawer fronts, along with Corian surfaces, make this project almost entirely unique. Click Here
Magrabi IBN Battuta Mall

Outfitting opticians requires in-depth knowledge of the sector. For years, Gibam has assisted the Magrabi Optical chain, which boasts more than 140 shops throughout the Middle East. A large selection of high-quality materials such as grained and veneered wood on drawer fronts, along with Corian surfaces, make this project almost entirely unique. Click Here
Magrabi Mirdiff City Center

Magrabi Optical is the leading optician’s chain in the Middle East, with over 140 shops. The distinguishing features of this design, which is almost entirely customised, are the large selection of high-quality materials, such as veined and veneered wood, particularly on the drawer fronts, and the Corian surfaces. Click Here
Farmacia Baima

Baima Pharmacy in Turin is characterised by a very refined colour palette. The dark finishes of the furnishings, walls, and floor contrast and alternate with the light colours of the back panels and captivating pharmacy counter, which takes centre stage in the space. The counter has an original and elegant design and impressive visual impact, […]